Well, hello there!

1 minute read


Well, here we are. I’ve been thinking of starting this blog for longest time, but I guess there’s no day like today right? So, let’s get some things out of the way:

Wait, who are you, even?

Hello to you too! I’m Kyle Ong, a data scientist and leather craftsman (this is not a joke) from the Philippines. I’m passionate about problem solving using multi-disciplinary approaches, and I particularly like building things! Whether its building teams, solutions, models, or reports/analyses, I find myself at my happiest when I’m actively building solutions for different problems (imaginary and otherwise). I have a particular fondness for physics (specially cosmology and quantum physics), philosophy (optimistic nihilism all the way), crafts (no, really the leatherwork thing isn’t a joke), and really anything I find interesting and challenging.

What can I expect from this?

Hopefully, more of these posts. I’ve always loved explaining complex or confusing mathematical, physics, statistics, or data science concepts in simple ways. I believe that anyone can understand these concepts if we’re able to build the proper foundations and mental models (trust me, I’m proof of that). I guess this serves as my personal pet project where I will discuss certain concepts that are thrown around in the world of data science, or novel new algorithms that I’m learning, or even just general thoughts on things.

See you soon!